One of the most waited event of the year is #JEE examination and more than 14L aspirants apply for this exam.
We know hard work is the key to success but planning is always necessary.
The Day 1 of JEE mains exam had many things to notice and the aspirants can plan for the upcoming JEE slots accordingly
We will directly jump to the difficulty section of the examination.
-If we say in a word the level of difficulty was 'AVERAGE'.
-Students if you have worked out a bit on your studies during the pandemic then it would be easier for students to attempt the questions.
Subject Analysis
-Once again Maths being the deciding factor for your JEE rank.
If you need rank..u need maths
-Chemistry also had many numeric type questions but solvable. The paper was lengthy. You cannot waste time by just thinking and thinking and thinking..
Many unexpected things also were asked so concept clearity is must.
-Physics had quiet lengthy calculations but on an average a student can atleast attempt more than 15 questions.
Some more Analysis
JEE Main 2021 Paper 2 shift 2- Mathematics
Matrices- 1 question
Determinant vectors- 2 questions
P & C- 1 question
JEE Main 2021 Paper 2 shift 2- Physics
Questions were asked from
Ray optics
Modern physics,
Current electricity
Wave optics
Semiconductor- 2 questions
Percentage error- 1 question
Tips and Tricks
-Calmness is the key
-Revise all the synopsis and go through typewise questions
-Refer previous years questions
-Dedicate atleast 5 mins to find out what subject to attempt first.
For more you can refer to prof. Aman's compiled solved questions booklet. For LMR's feel free to write at www.amanmakwana.com